kvexpress - transporting configuration through Consul

As discussed in my Consul service discovery talk on at Scale14x on Saturday, figuring out a technique which uses Consul’s KV store to move configuration files around has been pleasantly surprising.

We released kvexpress - which is a small tool that:

  1. Uploads data into Consul’s KV store and prepares it for distribution - usually on a single node.
  2. Downloads that data from Consul’s KV store onto a client node, verifies it, writes it to a file and then runs an optional handler.

This happens usually in one of two main ways:

  1. Kicked off from a Consul watch - makes the delivery process very quick and hands off. This takes a little more to setup - but after that setup it’s pretty hands off.
  2. In an ad-hoc manner - you need to put something on a bunch of nodes quickly.

Here’s a quick demo of how it works using the Consul watch. It shows how removing a node from Consul’s service catalog updates a hosts file that’s inserted and delivered by kvexpress:

We can see a few things from the graphs:

  1. The files on all 1188 nodes are updated quite quickly - most of them under 300 milliseconds.
  2. There’s one node that takes between 4 and 5 seconds consistently - I think it’s an overloaded logging node.

The insertion happens when Consul Template notices the bunk service is disabled and rebuilds the template - Consul Template then hands off the final rendered template to kvexpress for insertion.

After the file is inserted, it replicates through Consul’s KV store and the Consul watches that are watching the key kvexpress/hosts/checksum notice a change - which kicks off the kvexpress out process that double checks the file, writes the new file and reloads dnsmasq.

An example Consul watch would look like this:

  "watches": [
      "type": "key",
      "key": "/kvexpress/hosts/checksum",
      "handler": "kvexpress out -k hosts -f /etc/hosts.consul -l 10 -c 00644 -e 'sudo pkill -HUP dnsmasq'"

All of the commands we have used - and example versions of each are located here.

Here’s another quick demo of how it works in ad-hoc mode.

In this demo, I am going to show:

  1. Grabbing a URL from a gist - it will be a 600 line configuration file.
  2. Installing that config file on 1200 nodes.
  3. During the same action - I will be removing the file - but normally you would restart the daemon or HUP a process.

kvexpress can help you to use Consul’s KV store to make very quick changes to your cluster’s configuration with safety and precision. There’s additional kvexpress specific information in Saturday’s talk it starts in the video at 44:30 and in the slides at slide 83.
